Transmission Control Technology in Computer Wireless Network Communication

  • Feng Ling Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, SEGi University Faculty of Engineering, Lishui University
  • Rajamohan Parthasarathy PhD Research Supervisor, Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, SEGi University
Ariticle ID: 334
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Keywords: Network Communication Technology, Network Transmission Control, Breakout Chain, Data Delay


With the rapid development of wireless network communication in China, information transmission technology has become the key point. Information transmission mainly includes wireline network communication, wireless network communication and broadband communication. Due to the limitation of communication barriers in different areas and environment, problems, such as poor signal, weak channel transmission and distribution ability, and channel congestion, will emerge during the information transmission process. Therefore, by taking transmission control technology as the research object, analysis on the disadvantages of computer wireless network communication are conducted in this article. Some corresponding improvement measures are also put forward for reference.


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How to Cite
Ling, F., & Parthasarathy, R. (2020). Transmission Control Technology in Computer Wireless Network Communication. Insight - Information, 2(1).