An Example of Using MATLAB for Data Analysis—The Correlation between College Entrance Exam and Students’ Performance at Universities

  • Zhihao Ren California Crosspoint High School
Ariticle ID: 370
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Keywords: Histogram, Statistics, Scatterplot, Correlation


Many universities all over the world use entrance exams as a tool for filtering and selecting applicants to their courses. While entrance exams provide a standardized testing mechanism, it is not clear whether they are a predictor of the student’s future performance at the university. As an initial investigation, the author found and analyzed a raw dataset of students’ entrance exam scores and their performance in the university during the first three semesters. The author carried out statistical analysis for the entire cohort and also according to gender. The analysis was carried out using Matlab. The analysis carried out shows that for the given dataset, there is no correlation between entrance exam scores and university scores. Also, there is no significant difference in the performance at the entrance exam and university scores, between male and female students.



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How to Cite
Ren, Z. (2020). An Example of Using MATLAB for Data Analysis—The Correlation between College Entrance Exam and Students’ Performance at Universities. Insight - Information, 2(2).