The cultivation of students' time sequence thinking in history teaching in senior high school is mainly based on the strengthening lesson of monarchy in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  • Yu Chen
Ariticle ID: 406
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Keywords: sequential thinking, high school history, teaching method, training program


Timing is important in the history teaching of thinking, teaching thinking is the basis of studying history, in the teaching course and college entrance examination requirements can be seen that trains the student to the sequential thinking significance, therefore, how to cultivate high school history teaching of middle school students of sequential thinking and history teaching, an important problem of teachers in the daily teaching should guide students to establish a correct concept of sequential thinking, through the teaching means to infiltrate the sequential thinking in students' daily behavior


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How to Cite
Chen, Y. (2021). The cultivation of students’ time sequence thinking in history teaching in senior high school is mainly based on the strengthening lesson of monarchy in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Insight - Information, 3(2), 29-32.