The implication of Dynamic systems theory on second language acquisition Based on the study of learners’ motivation

  • Jiarui Liao China West Normal University Nanchong
Ariticle ID: 413
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Keywords: Dynamic systems theory, Learners’ motivation, Second language, Acquisition teaching


Dynamic system theory is the latest development of applied linguistics. This paper mainly combs through the basic concepts of dynamic system theory and the similarities between dynamic system theory and learner's motivation. Thus, the motivation of second language learning is viewed from the perspective of dynamic system theory, which is the dynamic process of multi-resource interaction at multiple levels and multi-dimensional. This paper mainly focuses on the study of learner motivation as the starting point, expounds the possible application of dynamic system theory in learner motivation, and puts forward the relevant suggestions of teaching from the second angle.


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How to Cite
Liao, J. (2021). The implication of Dynamic systems theory on second language acquisition Based on the study of learners’ motivation. Insight - Information, 3(2), 25-28.