The Analysis of the Overseas Chinese and the Reasons for the difficulty in integrating to the mainstream society

  • Caiyun Ding University of Pompeu Fabra
Ariticle ID: 416
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Keywords: Overseas Chinese, immigration, exclusion, barriers


When learning how human beings tend to reject people of other races, I couldn’t help thinking about a Ted speech I saw which was given by the physicist Riccardo Sabatini. He said that if a specific human's genome is printed page-by-page and letter by letter, we need 262000 pages of information. What makes everyone different is just about five hundred pages. For the rest, we are all absolutely identical.

Whoever is standing by our side, we are 99.9% genetically identical. However, humankind is categorized into so many races, ethnic groups, and social classes. We reject and even kill each other in extreme conditions. Religious beliefs, race, skin color, and different homelands further divide us. There are multiple reasons for this phenomenon, including the exclusive nature of humankind, economic conditions, limited living space, and resources. The phenomenon of exclusion by the aborigines of overseas Chinese groups who have moved to other countries is particularly serious.


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How to Cite
Ding, C. (2021). The Analysis of the Overseas Chinese and the Reasons for the difficulty in integrating to the mainstream society. Insight - Information, 3(2), 20-24.