Models to Predict the Number of Climate Refugees and the Optimal Flow

  • ShengHui Wang BeiJing Forestry University
  • WeiLan Wang BeiJing Forestry University
  • YiYing Liang BeiJing Forestry University
  • Zhao Chen BeiJing Forestry University
Ariticle ID: 417
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Keywords: Climate Refugee, Reselltement, Model, Optimal Flow


The issue of climate refugee resettlement due to climate change has recently attracted attention. In order to better understand and effectively deal with this problem, the authors decomposed the problems to be solved and established corresponding models. The definition of climate refugees in this article was simplified to be those due to sea level rise. Through establishing models, it is estimated that by 2080, there will be about 200,000 to 300,000 climate refugees. This article also reached the optimal matching between climate refugees and receiving countries.


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How to Cite
Wang, S., Wang, W., Liang, Y., & Chen, Z. (2021). Models to Predict the Number of Climate Refugees and the Optimal Flow. Insight - Information, 3(2), 15-19.