Studies on Professional Identity of Female University Students of Science and Engineering

  • Jia Liu SEGi University
  • Pang Jee Ching SEGi University
  • Jie Tian SEGi University
Ariticle ID: 462
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Keywords: Science and Engineering, Higher Education, Professional Identity, Major Issues


Relevant studies indicate that the proportion of female students of science and engineering is gradually increasing in some universities in China. Gender positionality, especially students majoring in science and engineering, will affect their attitude towards professional identity to a certain extent. With investigation and analysis regarding their professional identities of female undergraduates of science and engineering, this article could be useful in providing some suggestions for studying social development in China.


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How to Cite
Liu, J., Ching, P. J., & Tian, J. (2021). Studies on Professional Identity of Female University Students of Science and Engineering. Insight - Information, 3(2), 49-51.