On the Mutual Construction of Caravan Culture and Group Identity

  • Yunzhi Xia Zhejiang Normal University
Keywords: Horse Caravan, Regional Identity, Tea-Horse Trade, Group Identification


Horse caravan is one of the most important part of the tea-horse trade in Southwest China. Due to the geographical conditions and the need to maintain their livelihood, natives spontaneously developed such a mode of transportation. This not only promoted the exchange of commodities in southwestern Yunnan and Tibet border areas, but also became one important channel for foreign trade and cultural exchanges with neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. The long-distance trek and the steep terrain with various emergencies determine that this form of transportation will not be an individual activity. The horse caravan group formed with the common business purpose extends the personal relationship from blood to geo-industry relationship. The social network of the industry has established an invisible dense network between individuals and groups. In the common taboo beliefs, lingoes and folk literature, have strengthened members' affiliation with the caravan group, which in turn constructs subjective force behind the successful operation of this industry.


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