Data Visualization Analysis of Research Trend of Mould Protection Slag

  • Daiyue Zhang North China University of Science and Technology
  • Ziyi Li North China University of Science and Technology
  • Shiqi He North China University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Protective Slag, Continuous Casting, Mould, Vosviewer, Data Visualization, Research Trends


As a kind of functional mixing material, mold protection slag is a mixture of silicate as the base material plus a variety of flux and melting rate regulator. The protection slag plays an important role in continuous casting work. In this paper, we analyze the time slices of hot spots and keywords on the topic of crystallizer slag by using Endnote and Vosviewer and other software on the basis of sorting and screening the relevant data. The results show that the most important research content is the mold protection slag, based on the continuous renewal and development of the protection slag processing means, the protection slag research is increasingly extensive. It is indicated that the application of new technology means is the necessary condition for the future research of protective slag.


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