Factors that Influence People’s Choices Toward Gyms

  • Shuyi Ying RDFZ Xishan School


Nowadays, China has entered the post-pandemic. The gyms have reopened and are marketing to bring in new customers, and accommodations for the new development of these health services have quickly progressed. The researcher designed this survey to understand members’ current needs and preferences for gyms to provide suggestions for the future development of the gym industry in China. In this study, which lasted from July 21 to July 23, 115 respondents(aged 18 and above) in China were asked to complete a 12-question survey about their knowledge of the gym, the feelings about using the gyms, and the factors that they think will affect their choices about gyms. The researcher searched journals and data online about recent Post-COVID gym and fitness policies, the history of gyms, and development of US gyms. All the materials lead to the results and conclusions, which were reviewed using comparative analysis.


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