Literature Review on Rural Revitalization Industry Revitalization

  • Xiaoli Lu Qingdao University


The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) proposed the implementation of rural revitalization strategy for the first time, and established the 20-word general policy of “thriving industry, livable ecology, civilized rural customs, effective governance and rich life”. “Industry prosperity” in the first place, undoubtedly highlights the rural industry revitalization is the most important policy implementation points in the strategy. Among them, the expression “production development” is upgraded to “industry prosperity”, indicating that the rural revitalization strategy puts forward higher requirements for the development of rural industries, that is, the industrial integration development that highlights the multi-function of agriculture[1]. Many researchers have begun to pay attention to the revitalization of rural industries. The existing researches on the influencing factors of rural industry revitalization mainly include system supply, main body activation, factor allocation and development mode.


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