The Construction of China’s International Image of a Major Country with a Sense of Responsibility in Diplomatic Discourse

  • Renmin Wang Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications


In recent years, China’s comprehensive national strength has been strengthened and its international status has been enhanced. As a result, China urgently needs to construct and perfect its own discourse system, and establish a good international image. The international image of a country is an important embodiment of its national image, which comes from “self-presentation” on the one hand, and “evaluation by others” on the other. These two aspects of communication mostly rely on the transmission of various diplomatic activities. Therefore, international image is also the product of the construction of diplomatic discourse. By collecting and sorting out 30 texts of Chinese diplomatic discourse from 2018 to 2021, a corpus was established to form the research object. At the same time, with the help of Fairclough’s three-dimensional discourse analysis method, the construction of the international image of China as a “major country” in diplomatic discourse is deeply analyzed from three dimensions of text analysis, discourse production background and process, and social influence. The analysis reveals that China constructs this international image from three main aspects: promoting global economic development, adhering to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and maintaining the international order. Meanwhile, through the analysis of the way and process of China’s construction of this international image, the rules can be grasped, and then it can help people better understand the analysis of diplomatic discourse.


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